
Where psychology meets African-American culture & trends.

Today’s Youth – Dying a “Psychic Death” Says Dr. Cornel West

On March 30, 2012, I had the privilege of attending the 1st annual Ohio Multicultural Summit, presented by the National Diversity Council The event was held at Cleveland State University and the keynote speaker was Dr. Cornel West, who spoke on the topic of “Race Matters: The Illusion of Race, the Power of Racism.”

Dr. West is a dynamic speaker and prolific author.  He is well known for his appearances on CNN, C-SPAN, and other national news programs.  His background consists of completing a masters degree and a PhD from Princeton University.  Dr. West has been a professor at Princeton, Harvard, Yale, University of Paris, and Union Theological Seminary.  Additionally, he has authored several books, and his most popular book was titled “Race Matters, Democracy Matters.”

Dr. West is a grand intellectual, and when he speaks he intertwines issues of race, politics, religion, culture, sociology, and psychology.  As he spoke at the Ohio Multicultural Summit, he spoke about today’s youth and specifically African American youth.  Dr. West shared his views on how today’s youth are living in a culture that “is a superficial spectacle” and are experiencing “moral constipation, where they have an idea of what is right, but can’t get it to flow.”  Yet the statement that impacted me the most was when he stated that the youth are “dying a psychic death caused by self-hatred.”

This term, psychic death, intrigued me.  I have to admit, when he made that statement, I began to explore the depth of that statement within my mind, and had to force my attention back onto the speaker.  I did a little research on the term and found that it is most commonly used by European psycho/social theorists to explain the precursor to suicide.  However, I don’t believe the term can be limited to acts of suicide.

When applying this concept to America’s youth, and more specifically African American youth, psychic death is occurring all around us.  Self-hatred is an epidemic because the youth don’t have a true understanding of themselves.  They die mentally because they are trying to mimic the false realities promoted by music and television.  As Dr. West discussed, the culture is a superficial spectacle, focused on clothing, money, drugs, and fame.

Dr. West went on to discuss how the breakdown of the Black Community have left the youth without proper role models and guidance.  He compared the culture that he grew up in, with supportive parents, relatives, neighbors, churches, teachers, and role models with the lack in today’s society.  These support systems have changed, not allowing for the same individual attention that was once given to the youth in past generations.  Dr. West charged all those listening with taking responsibility for the youth and helping them navigate life into adulthood.

I was fascinated with hearing Dr. Cornel West speak.  He didn’t just criticize the youth and point out their hopelessness.  However, he pointed to the source of their “psychic death” and compelled us all to participate in reviving them.

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12 thoughts on “Today’s Youth – Dying a “Psychic Death” Says Dr. Cornel West

  1. Denise on said:

    I love reading your posts.

  2. You know, I love C. West, I actually have one of his books a friend gave me, The Cornell West Reader (it’s a BIG book) that I never read, but your post has encouraged me to tackle it. I never heard of a psychic death, but that term intrigues me as well so thank you so much for sharing your experience at the Summit.

  3. The sad thing is that youth of America, regardless of race or culture, are dying psychic deaths. The are constantly connected through technology (such as we are doing here!), yet they are not connected personally. How many young people have hundreds of “friends” on line yet have no one to talk to about day to day things, concerns, etc.?
    They are being drugged by television commercials that push instant gratification, the swift sense of entitlement to entertainment once limited to adults, and to a distinct disconnection with their moral and spiritual core.
    So, so tragic! This is the generation that will one day run this world, so the adults in their lives should pay attention!

  4. Great post. Thank you for sharing this.

  5. Christopher Trotta on said:

    Robyn, good post! I attended the Ohio Multicultural Summit as well and took a lot away from Dr. West’s presentation and reflected most on his discussion/statement regarding “Substantial vs. Superficial”. Thanks for the article…I linked it to my newly formed group on LinkedIn “levelHEADS”…which partly deals with diversity and collaboration in the business world. However, it all stems back to our youth and their development into active, sympathetic, and participating adults in our society.

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